Mindfulness Coaching for Educators & School Administrators
We educators are a dedicated crew. We are deeply invested in the development and success of our fellow people and future leaders, often giving our students all we’ve got – and then some. This is an extraordinary, deeply valuable and oftentimes, all consuming path of service.
And while there is much joy, beauty and nourishment that we gain from this service, the reality is - the school environment can be harsh. We put ourselves on the back burner and do what we have to do to keep pushing ahead. We work long hours, carry heavy emotional, physical and energetic loads, skip meals, take resources from our own pockets, survive on low wages and still manage to find the energy day in an day out to give our students our all. We aren't just teachers either, we fill the shoes of teacher, mentor, counselor and then some.
So why do we do it? Because there’s nothing in the world we’d rather do.
I know the harsh realities of this from my own experience. I often say, the school system broke my heart, and mindfulness helped me mend it.
Mindfulness helped me sustain myself in a system that can be chaotic, demanding, dysfunctional and unhealthy. It is this “sustainability” through mindfulness that I am now dedicated to supporting my fellow educators in achieving, too.
As givers, focusing on ourselves can be an uncomfortable reality, but the truth is, we cannot give our students our all if our tank is empty.
The change has to start with us.
You deserve this. Let’s get started.
Mindfulness Coaching for Educators and School Administrators
Private Mindfulness Coaching supports educators and school administrators in learning mindfulness tools and techniques to ease overwhelm, stress and burnout and transform their relationship to themselves and their work.
Individualized counsel creates a safe, non-judgmental space for you to share and process your experiences in the classroom, reveal the fullness and weight of teaching, cultivate your own mindfulness practice and learn essential self care skills that will help you navigate personal and institutional challenges.
The perfect complement to an already existing yoga or mindfulness practice – private coaching sessions allow you to deepen the work in a way that is tailored to your specific needs.
The primary focus will be on YOU and helping you cultivate a mindfulness practice that supports your individual health and wellbeing. As our work together develops, we can extend out and begin exploring strategies and techniques to effectively bring mindfulness practices to your students and classroom environment.
Topics we will cover include:
The power of a mindful breath
Tracking our triggers
Identifying our emotions and how they feel in our bodies
Learning how to listen to our bodies
Developing body awareness skills
Creating practical and sustainable self care practices
Mindful eating and nourishment
Modeling mindfulness
Custom Workshops and Professional Development Trainings
Interested in bringing the benefits of mindfulness to your entire school system or administrator team to build more compassionate and just school environments? I am available to develop and lead custom workshops and teacher trainings for groups of all sizes in the Bay Area on topics such as:
Introduction to Mindfulness in the Classroom
Culturally Relevant Mindful Teaching Practices and Engaging Curriculum
Mindful Educator Series
Creating A Mindful Classroom Culture
Teacher Sustainability and Self Care
Mindfulness and Social Justice in our Schools
Mindfulness, Social Justice and Systems Change (in our schools)
Contact me directly for more information.