I get it ya'll. Life is full. Expectations are high. Resources are tight. Our systems are struggling. And sometimes we can feel powerless amidst the seemingly endless challenge and chaos of it all. I'm here to help you remember you are not powerless; you are powerfull. Mindfulness invites you back to your power, back to your presence so you can stop reacting and start focusing on what truly matters in life. Let's get started.

Salina Mae Mindfulness Coaching and Consulting offers culturally relevant, socially awake and empowering mindfulness services for Bay Area youth, educators and school systems.
Mindfulness coaching and consulting to uplift educator wisdom and create more compassionate, awake, and just school environments
Learn more about the journey that has shaped who I am and brought me to this service path.
If you would like further information about educator consulting or want to set up a coaching session for you or your child, please reach out.